Leslie Clio invited all designers and design lovers to create a fan t-shirt and present it on Talenthouse.
You certainly know her hit: „I Couldn’t Care Less“
What is characteristic to Leslie? In my opinion her hairstyle and the free and pop art feeling.
My draft is colorful, as usual, a Dots Design glow behind the Leslie portrait with the label give a Pop Art feeling. I used partly red color in the portrait and in the name, because of Hamburg (red flag), Leslie`s hometown.
The contest and the voting starts on 28. November 2013, please support me and hit the blue button, but only if you like the design! 😉 Thanks and enjoy! Bye, Robert Kekeye
The link to the contest: http://www.talenthouse.com/creativeinvites/preview/a093aaf66dce2994c0dfb3cef598e723/6451

Individual motives & design projects upon request – Fashion Design, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Kekeye Dots Design. Contact: robert@kekeye.at, Website: www.kekeye.at